Hari ini, 22 December 2008 adalah untuk ke sekian kalinya para ibu merayakan “Hari Ibu”. When the first time, knowing about Mother’s Day, I don’t know what it means. It seems like this day is an ordinary day, nothing special.
Someone says that on Mother’s Day, we have to let our Mom free from her jobs as housewife. Then my teacher ever said that we have to give our Mom a special gift that she never had before or special gift from our hand made.
Ketika aku di Sekolah Dasar, I just gave a big hug and kiss for my mother on Mother’s day caused I don’t’ have money to buy her something.
Ketika aku di Junior high school, I gave her a small gift that I made in school. Dulu di sekolah, aku pernah buat prakarya dari kapur putih (kita beli kiloan, kalau ga salah) kemudian di campur dengan air lalu di aduk sampai kental kemudian di cetak. Cetakannya bisa kita beli di toko sebelah. Saat itu, aku membuat cetakan bunga yang kemudian setelah kering di warnai dengan cat air. Seluruh kelas saat itu, membuat prakarya untuk menyambut hari ibu. Ketika aku berikan cetakan bunga tersebut to my mom, she just say,”terima kasih, neng”..and hug me with her tears drop eyes.
When I was in Senior High School, aku menabung uang jajanku to buy a small gift for my mother, even it’s only towel, lipstick or powder, it doesn’t matter…as long as I gave her a present to say I love her so much.
Ketika aku sudah bekerja, while my pocket is enough for giving something to my mom on mother’s day, I gave her present what she needs at the moment. Even small present, doesn’t matter for her caused she knows I love her so much. I always, give my mother a present to reflection my love on Mother’s day.
While I’m a Mom…I can’t imagine how difficult to be a good mom. How tough you are to carry on your baby for 9 months, how brave you are to deliver your baby normally.
Menjadi seorang ibu yang baik adalah impian semua para ibu. Mereka selalu memberikan contoh tauladan bagi anaknya walau kadang they made mistakes to do it.
One day in Monther’s day, 22 Desember 2005, I had a big lesson from my son, Raihan.
He is four years old in TK-A at the moment. In his school, his teacher taught him to make a present to his mother at home. Dia baru saja bisa menulis huruf alphabetic, then he made paper flower (bunga kertas terbuat dari kertas berwarna) lengkap dengan batang dan daun.
Ketika aku pulang ke rumah dan turun dari mobil, dia lari menghampiri aku dan memelukku erat sekali sambil memberikan bunga kertas berwarna merah dari tangan kanannya dan kertas putih ukuran 21cm x 15cm dengan tulisan : * Selamat hari ibu * (dengan huruf2 yang tidak simetris karena ada yang kecil dan besar dan di tulis dengan crayon berwarna/i) dari tangan kirinya sambil mengucapkan ,”Selamat Hari Ibu, Bunda”..oohh, my GOD!!!.
Aku benar2 lupa bahwa hari itu adalah Hari Ibu, my tears drop, I kissed him so badly then directly I hug my mother to say the same thing as my son said. My mother said the present (that my son made it at school) di taruh sangat hati2 oleh anakku, nobody can touch it until he gave it to me..so sweet!!.
In memorial of Mother’s Day is not just giving a present (as I did before regularly), reflection with your big heart to your mom is more important than anything. Mencintai ibumu dengan tulus dan ikhlas is more important thing than an expensive present.
Starting the next day and until now..may be forever, the paper dengan tulisan “Selamat hari Ibu* masih menempel di tembok tepat diatas komputerku di kantor. This paper inspire me to be a good mother for my kids and love my mother ever after.
by Rae Tahar
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